python中for in的用法 英语句式分析,in recognition of的理解和用法求助?

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英语句式分析,in recognition of的理解和用法求助?

recognition of的理解和用法求助?

in recognition of … 为承认… ,为酬报… ,因…,作为…报答
I was given a cheque for ¥100 in recognition of my services.
2 He was spoken highly of in recognition of his hard work. 由于他辛勤的工作,他受到很高的评价。


for 一般表示“为了”例如Its not good for your health.

in line与in order有什么区别?

区别:in line客观的线性排列; in order 形容词短语,意思是秩序井然的。 短语详细释义:
line 英[in lain] 美[n lan] adv. 一致; 成一直线; 协调; 有秩序; [网络] 在线; 内联; 在排队; [例句]I had been standing in line for three hours. 我已经排了3个小时的队。
order 英[in :d] 美[n rd] [词典] 按次序的,合乎程序的; 井然有序; [网络] 为了; 状态良好; 有序; [例句]In order to ensure success we must have a complete and thorough plan. 为了保证成功,我们必须要有一个周密的计划。