托福阅读文章原文 托福阅读句子简化题怎么做?

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句子简化题其实是货真价实的Paraphrase,一般就是给出长难句,让选择跟原文意思最为相近的选项。这种题需要一定的把握长难句的能力,也需要一定的语法基础。如果考过GMAT的,做惯了Sentence Correction的同学应该觉得不太难。这种题还需要多练习,下面从技巧的角度来作出一些解释。  按照托福官方指南OG的解释是,错误选项通常犯了如下两个错误:一是与原文意思相悖,二是漏掉了原文重要的内容。要解决这个问题,首先应该把句子的主要成分,即主谓宾按照小学时候学过的缩句方法提炼出来,明白句子的主要意思,再到选项中去找合适的。选的时候一定要再三斟酌,切忌看了某一个选项就做出决定而不管其它三个。  托福阅读句子简化题实例讲解  用官方指南OG29页例题举例,把原句缩句:Since laws have determined form, forms can vary within certain limits. 其中B选项忽略掉了forms can vary…的意思C,D选项后半句的意思跟原文相反分别都犯了上述两种错误之一。所以选A。只要能准确把握原文的意思,难度不大。如果时间足够充足,我建议用GMAT的SC部分来锻炼把握长难句的能力,对阅读也有好处。不过大概需要1到2周的时间,不适合于时间紧张的考生。托福阅读题最重要的是找到阅读段的主题句,分析出出题者的意图,然后根据文章关键词进行答题。考生在做托福阅读题的时候需要重视开头段,结尾段和过渡段,在这三个地方,一般会包含着托福阅读段的真实题义。北京新东方托福老师建议,想要在托福阅读中考出理想成绩,除了对题型、解题技巧有深入了解之外,更重要的是平时多看多练,才能在考试中灵活的使用解题技巧。


If the university is going to make somechanges to improve students’ life, which do you think universityshould change and why?
a. Cafeteria
b. Swimming pool
c. Student dorm
NewLibrary Workspaces
Saygood-bye to the big, multi person study tables in Turner summer, the tables will be exchanged for new personal studycubicles—small, one-person desks enclosed by walls. These new unitswill allow students to have privacy and work in isolation and willtherefore eliminate noise in the library so students can , the cubicles will enable the library to accommodate therecent increase in the number of students attending our the current tables seat six students each, they make pooruse of available floor space. The cubicles, on the other hand, aredesigned for maximum space efficiency, and the library can thereforeadd 50 new seats.
(man) They’re making a mistake.
(woman) What do you mean?
(man) Look, They’re trying to do away with distractions so that we can study better. But withthis change, we won’t have anywhere in the library to get together to work on group projects.
(woman) True. Group project work is common these days.
(man) So, instead of buying these new units. They should use the money to build meetingrooms, and that would reduce any noise in the main library areas.
(woman) Yeah, that’s what we could really use. There’s just not as much need to work inisolation.
(man) Exactly. And the other thing is, what’s this about overcrowding? Well, sure we have morestudents enrolled in the university this year, but do we really have a problem withovercrowding?
(woman) I don’t think so. I always get a whole tableto myself.
(man) Right. I see empty tables there all the time. It’ll just be a waste of money to replacewhat we have. Since what we have now is sufficient for the amount of students that use thelibrary.
Thesenew units will allow students to have privacy and work in isolationand will therefore eliminate noise in the library so students canconcentrate.
thecubicles will enable the library to accommodate the recent increasein the number of students attending our university.
Withthis change, we won’t have anywhere in the library to get together to work on group that would reduce any noise in the main library areas.
what we have now is sufficient for the amount of students that use thelibrary.
Close the CampusCoffee house
Ipropose that the university close the campus are great, if people actually use them, like tosocialize with friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snack.But students are not using our campus coffeehouse. There are usuallylots of empty tables when I p ass by the place. It’s just a wasteof space that could be used for other things. Also, the food at thecoffeehouse is not very good. The last time I was there, the cakesand muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have muchflavor. Sincerely,Greg Smith
(woman) I don’t like his proposal.
(man) Why not? There are never many studentsthere.
(woman) But that’s why I like about it, that it’s nevercrowded.
(man) Really?
(woman) Yeah, so it’s a great place to study. I go there a lot. I’ll read a book or bring my laptopcomputer and work on a paper for class. It’s never very noisy.
(man) You’re able to get work done there?
(woman) Absolutely! In fact, I actually prefer it to the library as a place to study, and a lot ofother students do, too. We even study for our final exams there, and you can eat there whileyou work, something you can’t do with the library.
(man) OK, but you don’t actually like the food there, do you? I mean, he said.
(woman) Well, I don’t think he’s been there recently, I mean, it’s true that it wasnt that greatin the past, but I think it’s a lot better now.
(man) What’s changed?
(woman) They have a new manager and I guess she’s made some improvements in the qualityof the food. I was there last week and the food was delicious.
(man) Really?
(woman) Yeah, really! And the new manager has also added a lot of really healthful foods andsnacks, so the food doesnt just taste good now. It’s good for you, too.
(man) Hmm, I’ll have to try the place.
studentsare not using our campus coffeehouse. It’s just a waste of spacethat could be used for other things
thefood at the coffeehouse is not very good.
it’s a great place to study. I go there a lot. I’ll read a book or bring my laptopcomputer and work on a paper for class. We even study for our final exams there, and you can eat there whileyou work.
she’s made some improvements in the qualityof the new manager has also added a lot of really healthful foods andsnacks,so the food doesnt just taste good now. It’s good for you, too.
Ithink the university should make some changes on the campuscafeteria, especially the food there,because itwill be good for students’health. For example, the foodin my university’s cafeteria is actually not very good. We havecomplaint many times that the meat is often dry and there are too fewvegetables served for students. I think they do needto add healthful foods andsnacks.
Inaddition, many students like to come to the university’s cafeteria,to read books,work on their projects, or get togetherand chat with their friends,so the place should be large enough to hold as many students aspossible. Atleast, we hopenot to have trouble finding a seat in there.