美国大学的meal plan如何选择 谁能简单介绍一下康涅狄格大学如何?

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美国大学的meal plan如何选择



University of Connecticut
– 所在城市:Connecticut,Durham
– 大学概况:康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut )是州立高等学习研究所旗舰下的学校。成立于1881年, 学校拥有4104英亩的主校区和5个地方分校,并且还拥有另外的162 英亩的健康中心。
– 地理位置:
康涅狄格大学所在的斯多斯是一个小镇,地处波士顿-纽约-费城这条黄金线上。康涅狄格州是新英格兰六州中最偏南的一州,州府是哈特福(Hartford)。 康涅狄格州之名称来自印地安语, 意义是“受海潮影响的一条长河流经之地”, 简称“长河之地”。全州人口约300多万。
– 大学地址:Storrs
– 大学官网:http://uconn.edu/


I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.I have two hundred yuan in my below is my plan for the travel.
I plan to go there by train and (go)back by bus,this will cost me fifty ,I will stay there for about three days,in other words,I need to live in the hotel for two will cost me forty I need to pay about forty-five yuan for my own meal. After knocking out all these fees,I still have about seventy yuan left.I am going to buy some presents for my parents.
Well, that is my travel plan