employees什么意思怎么读 fries的中文是什么?

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French. Fries中文的意思是:薯条。
French fries [frentf][fraiz]法式炸薯条;炸土豆片。单独读fries也行,也是薯条的意思。
同义词: french fries french-fried potatoes fries
例句:1、One Big Mac and French fries. 一个巨无霸. 一包炸薯条.
2、It was 1962 and employees still peeled, blanched, and sliced potatoes for French fries.


adj.总的 总计的 全体的 全部的 彻底的 完全的n.总数 总额 合计 总计v.总数达 共计 把…加起来 计算…的总和 彻底毁坏(汽车)
[例句]The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.
[其他]第三人称单数:totals 现在分词:totalling 过去式:totalled过去分词:totalled


表示“某事值得做”时,可以用 worth 或 worthy 表达,句子主语为某事(something),
be worth 名词
be worth -ing
be worthy of 名词
be worthy of being –ed
be worthy 不定式的被动式
①,be worth 名词
The matter is worth further discussion.这件事值得进一步商讨。
We thought that the book was worth publication.我们认为这本书是值得出版。
This is a very old town. I think it is worth a visit.这是一个古镇,他认为它值得一游。
What is happening here today is worth notice.今天在这里发生的事值得关注。
I noticed that the accommodation was well worth what was charged for it.
我注意到这里的住宿还是价有所值的。 (worth 后接名词从句)
②,worth -ing (动名词用主动形式,表示被动意义。)
The problem is worth discussing again.这些问题值得再讨论一次。
The film isnt worth seeing.这部电影不值得一看。
The decision is worth studying a little further.这一决定值得进一步研究。
Mr. Green wrote down everything that is worth remembering.格林先生把值得记住的东西全都写了下来。
As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something worth
researching into.
③,be worthy of 名词
This phenomenon is worthy of further discussion.
(This phenomenon is worth further discussion.)这种现象值得进一步研究。
The suggestion he put forward is worthy of consideration.他提出的建议值得考虑。
Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.这篇报告中有两点尤其值得注意。
Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression.人生必须永远前进,才不愧为有理智的人。
They regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration.对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾。
Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.
④worthy of being -ed (动名词的被动语态)
This phenomenon is worthy of being discussed.这种现象值得进一步研究。
The suggestion he put forward is worthy of being considered.他提出的建议值得考虑。
Some of his collections are worthy of being donated to the local museum.
The machine is not worthy of being repaired.这机器不值得修了。
His words on the subject are weighty, and worthy of being held in remembrance.
It is a very substantial and heavy board, worthy of being used as a table top.
⑤,be worthy 不定式的被动式
This book is worthy to be read.
This book is worth reading
This book is worthy of being read.
There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.
The suggestion he put forward is worthy to be considered.
If youd be loved, be worthy to be loved.
The data are worthy to be considered when choosing or designing a new system.
⑥,表示“做某事值得”时,用 worthwhile 表达, 可用句式如下:
It is worthwhile to do sth.
It is worthwhile doing sth.
It is worthwhile for one to do sth
It is worthwhile ones doing sth.
It is worth ones while to do sh.
It is worth ones while doing sth.
worthwhile 用于表示“做某事值得”,句子主语是“做某事”,即用动词不定式
或动名词短语作主语;worthwhile 作句子表语,即“做某事是值得的”。
To discuss the problem again is worthwhile.
Discussing the problem again is worthwhile.
但习惯上常用形式主语 it 位于句首,将作主语的动词不定式或动名词短语后移。
It is worthwhile to discuss the problem again.
It is worthwhile discussing the problem again.
It is worthwhile to do sth.
It is worthwhile doing sth. (多见用此动名词作主语)
In my opinion, its worthwhile having a try at it.在我看来,这事值得试一试。
It is worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.
给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求, 费点事也是值得的.
It is worthwhile pointing out that heating may bring about certain change in the
structure if any material
For this reason it is worthwhile paying attention to current developments within the
National Front.
Is it worthwhile getting angry over such a trifling matter为这点小事犯得着生气吗?
It isnt worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。