“一起向未来”(英文:“Together for a Shared Future”)是北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号。这是中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,传递出14亿中国人民的美好期待:在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。[1]
At the Olympic Winter Games, curling consists of two events: a women’s tournament and a men’s tournament. Each tournament starts with 10 curling teams. Two teams play against each other at a time. The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1-kilogram stones towards a series of concentric rings or circles. The object is to get the stones as close to the centre of the rings as possible.
One game consists of 10 “ends” (similar to innings in baseball). During each end, each four-person team “throws” (in fact, slides along the ice) eight stones — two stones per person and 16 altogether. Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone’s direction, known as its “curl,” and the stone’s speed. The team with the most points — more stones closer to the centre of the rings — at the conclusion of 10 ends, is the winner.