leave sb to sb是什么意思中文 使役动词和行为动词的区别?

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leave sb to sb是什么意思中文



比如I make the boy cry.我让那个男孩哭了.I have the girl wait for me.我让那个女孩等我.
1) have sb do 让某人干某事
eg:What would you have me do
2)have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任
eg: I wont have women working in our company.
3)have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到
He had his pocket picked.
1)make sb do sth 让某人干某事
eg:They made me repeat the story.
2)make sb/sth done/adj./n 使某人/某物…
eg. The news made him happy.
1)leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事
eg: We left him to paint the gate.
2)leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态
eg: Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.
3)leave sth
eg:Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.

read sth to sb 是什么结构?

read sth to sb... read sb sth是双宾语结构,表示读...(物)给...(人)听
He read the letter to his mother.
I read the news to my students
The teacher read newspaper to students this morning.
She read us a story. 她给我们读了个故事。
give sb sth/ give sth to sb
Give your mother the letter. 把信给你母亲。
Give the letter to your mother. 把信给你母亲。
award sb sth/ award sth to sb
He was awarded damages of £50 000. 他判得损害赔偿金5万英镑。
show sb sth / show sth to sb
Have you shown anyone your work 你有没有给谁看过你做的活儿?
teach sb sth / teach sth to sb
He teaches them English. 他教他们英语
tell sb sth / tell sth to sb
Did she tell you her name 她告诉你她的姓名了吗?
bring sb sth /bring sth to sb
Bring Helen a present. 给海伦带件礼物来。
send sb sth / send sth to sb
Ill send you a text message. 我会给你发一条短信
lend sb sth /lend sth to sb
Can you lend me your car this evening 你今晚能把汽车借给我用一下吗?
sell sb sth/ sell sth to sb
I sold James my car for £800. 我以800英镑把我的汽车卖给了詹姆斯。
hand sb sth/ hand sth to sb
She handed me the letter. 她把信交给我。
pass sb sth/pass sth to sb
Pass me that book. 请递给我那本书
throw sb sth/ throw sth to sb
Dont throw it to him, give it to him! 别扔给他,递给他!
return sb sth/ return sth to sb
I must return some books to the library. 我得把一些书还给图书馆
leave sb sth/ leave sth to sb
Someone left you this note. 有人给你送来了这张便条
offer sb sth / offer sth to sb
They decided to offer Jo the job. 他们决定让乔做这件工作。
owe sb sth/ owe sth to sb
She still owes her father £3 000. 她还欠她父亲3 000英镑。
pay sb sth/ pay sth to sb
He still hasnt paid me the money he owes me. 他还没归还欠我的钱呢