单词since发音 turnon的意思?

3725 阅读




“turn on”是打开、发动的意思。
1、turn on读音:[tn ɑn]
2、短语:Turn Wireless On 打开无线 turn-on condition 开通条件3、例句:(1)打开一些音乐。Turn on some music. (2)您可以打开或关闭对任何这些组的访问。You can turn on and off access to any of these groups. (3)因为监控包含了开销,所以您应该只打开在监控任务中最要紧的那个监控器开关。Since monitoring involves overhead, you should only turn on the monitor switch thatmatters most in your monitoring tasks.


字母ce, ci, cy读[ s ], 其他读作[ k ]
如:cell centre city cinema cycle cynic
其他:cat cake call
1. C c
在字母e, i, y前,如certain, receive, since, scarce, absence; city, circumstance, civility, society, civil; fancy, intimacy, secrecy, decency, legacy(据我所知,cy都在结尾).
注:字母组合sc在e, i, y前,c不发音,如scene, science, scythe. 有一个例外soccer(/sk/, 足球)。
在字母a, o, u前,如can, carriage, occasion, capable; course, consider, account, common; particular, excuse, occur, secure, accuse, cure. 但c ae,c发/s/,如:Caen, Caelum.
以-c结尾的词,如public, domestic, music, emphatic, impolitic, laconic, panegyric, pedantic, philosophic, sarcastic, terrific, topic. 又如suc-cess, ac-cede, ac-cident.
接辅音,如cry, credit, across, uncle, incline, subject, defect, picture. 但字母组合ch发/t/,/k/,//,/h/,/ /,详情见后面的字母h。
3./ /
字母组合sc在e, i, y前,c不发音,如,:science, scene, condescend, conscience, ascend, ascertain, conscious, discern, susceptibility, scythe.
字母组合ck, cq,c不发音,如back, struck, acknowledge, lucky, shock; acquaintance, acquire, acquit.